What I doI offer brain-based therapy, using cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness and mind-body techniques.
I help people burdened with depressed mood and anxiety to lighten their load, aid people with ADHD to work with their strengths, and support college students affected by ADD/ADHD or other psychological disabilities to succeed as students and as people. I see my job as helping you be your own ally, rather than feel at war with your own mind. If you're confused, you'll get more clarity.
If you're hurting, you’ll find more ease. If you’re overwhelmed, you'll catch your breath. If you need to get things done, you'll learn to start small and not give up. If you're worried, you'll see the difference between what might happen and what is happening, and have a plan to deal with whatever does happen. There's more than a few tools in my therapy toolbox. We can see which fit for you, then you can learn how to use them and go try them out. Some of my favorite and most effective tools are in the CBT section of the toolbox. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a research supported approach that starts with the idea that what or how we think about a situation and what we do has a huge impact on how we feel. In order to feel different, we often need to think different and do different. We're likely to talk about sleep, nutrition and exercise - the body and the brain are both part of the same package! It's truly remarkable how much better equipped you are to deal with even the most complex problems when the basics are in place.
If you're suffering from anxiety, physical pain, or the after-effects of trauma, we might use an approach such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). |
Interested in working together, either in my office or (if you're in California) online? Request a free 15 minute consultation by phone or secure video conferencing. |
Often, there's something to do at home - a practice or an action to try, a website to check out, a podcast to listen to, a book to read, or a question for journaling.
Information about my hours, fees and how you can use your insurance is available here. I see clients in my Camarillo office and online.
My professional background - where I trained and the kinds of work I've done - is outlined in my Curriculum Vitae, my "course of life".