- for ADHD, check out CHADD, Children & Adults with ADD at chadd.org and ADDA, the Attention Deficit Disorder Association at add.org
- for anxiety, ADAA, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America at adaa.org
- for OCD, IOCDF, the International OCD Foundation at iacdaf.org
Should you want to stay local, look for professional associations in your county or area with directories. Around here, that includes:
- the Ventura County Psychological Association at venturacountypsych.com
- the Mental Health Professionals of the Conejo Valley at mentalhealthconejo.org
- the LA County Psychological Association at lacpa.org
- the Santa Barbara County Psychological Association at sbcpa.org
If you want to find someone who takes your insurance, insurance company websites usually list their contracted providers. Be sure to check the details regarding copays and deductible.
There are many general directories that come in various flavors. A few examples:
- Psychology Today Therapist directory - the biggest
- GoodTherapy.org - another broadly based directory
- Therapy Den - inclusive, intersectional
- Open Path Psychotherapy Collective - therapists offering services at low-cost and sliding scale
Tip: if a therapist has a website, always check it out before contacting them. Many of the questions prospective clients ask about fees, insurance and areas of expertise can be addressed in more detail there than in a directory listing. Doing a little research will save you (and us) time and energy.
For more tips finding your new therapist, see Part 1