Has there ever been a medical condition as controversial as ADHD?
ADHD is real, despite the controvery, despite the people who assert, “I don’t believe in ADHD”, despite the myths and the misapprehensions about medication and other treatments. ADHD is a real, brain-based medical condition.
Says who? People and organizations who looked at the science and came to this conclusion on the basis of objective data. This group includes:
- the Surgeon General
- the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- the National Institute of Mental Health
- the U.S. Department of Education
- the American Academy of Pediatrics
- the American Medical Association
- the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- the American Psychiatric Association
- the American Psychological Association
7 days, 7 facts.
More information about these organizations and each of the facts is at adhdawarenessweek.org.